
A Video Game Console for Everyone?

The Nintendo Switch has been available for a few months now, since its debut March 3. In some places, it’s still hard to find. The Switch, the latest video game console from the Japanese company, has taken the world by storm. It’s quickly proving to be a much-needed success for the company, after their last home device, the Wii U, fell short. The Wii U sold less than 14 million units globally since its launch in 2012 (compare that to the Nintendo Wii, which launched in 2006 and sold over 100 million units worldwide).

With so much attention on the Switch, does Nintendo have another winner on their hands? If you haven’t had the chance to play the device, or it hasn’t piqued your interest, now may be the time to give it a look. Since Nintendo introduced the Wii in 2006, they have aimed to cater to a broader crowd and bridge demographics.

It’s not just kids and game enthusiasts who are getting in on the action. It’s everyone. And one of the reasons why the Switch has such broad appeal has a lot to do with time. It’s a great device for people who don’t have a lot of time to play video games or are constantly on the go, moving between the home and office, and elsewhere.

The genius behind the Switch’s design is functionality. You can play the device on your TV or grab the console and go, using it like a tablet. The controllers, dubbed Joy-Cons, click right into the sides of the portable screen, keeping everything in one place — and keeping you moving. Plus, many of the games are designed with the busy lifestyle in mind. Pause the action and continue at your leisure, all without missing a beat.