
Thanks for Joining the Summer Team!

Ah, summer. The sun is shining, days are longer, and college kids are coming home. That last part might not sound as appealing to some, but if you’re searching for great employees to help with your summer rush, these broke yet suddenly free college kids can give your business the seasonal support it needs.

An essential part of hiring effective seasonal workers is to make them feel like they are part of the team. Follow these tips to create your A-team this summer.

Be Honest

If you don’t plan to keep your seasonal employees after the summer rush slows down this fall, make sure that detail is made clear to your summertime workers. Nothing is more demoralizing to a person than to find out an opportunity they were looking forward to never actually existed. This will only sour your relationships with seasonal workers, and they will let others know about their experiences, making it harder to hire next summer.

Train, Train, Train

Studies have shown that employees are happier and more productive when they are properly trained, and it’s no different when it comes to your seasonal employees. Because they are quickly thrown into the hullabaloo, it’s important to make sure your seasonal employees are well-equipped to handle their duties from day one. Host an orientation day, be clear about employee responsibilities, and teach them about your brand and values. The best part about training seasonal employees the right way the first time is that the employees who want to return the following season will already be up to speed.

Include Them

If you have an employee shoutout wall or annual camping trip, make your seasonal employees part of the team by including them in the fun side of the company. Additionally, some seasonal employees may thrive in a mentorship system. Set up a mentor and mentee group between your seasonal and permanent employees, or create a special group for them.

As long as you prepare them well and make every effort to include them, you will find your seasonal employees thriving in their short tenure.